Saturday, 14 January 2012

Following suit

What a way to waste a Saturday! At one point it struck me that i had been sitting at the same spot in front of laptop staring at Grooveshark for well over 4 hours! And this realization, by the way, was the highlight of my day! Because hereon, everything changed! No sir! It was no longer about wiling away time. I now had a purpose, a challenge. The challenge now being, "Lets see just how long can i keep sitting here"!! i say this with some pride,its been well over 6 hours now!
At 23, i'm too young to die! but ironically, too old to get out and go crazy on a Saturday- (basically be alive)???
Well it's not so much about the single dead Saturday in the long list of dead Saturdays. So at 23, you know that by now you NEED to know what you should be doing with your life. And once you know what you wanna do with your life,you can enjoy those Saturdays that you get for yourself! So most of us, well, we take the easy way out.
Follow Suit!
The world pursues the stellar academic record, you do the same! Those around you party like rockstars, you do the same! Your buddies get the safe job with the comfortable salary, you do the same! Work sucks, your friends take on the MBA entrance challenge, you do the same!
Well maybe i'm mistaken. Maybe each and everything that you did in your life was fully and completely your own decision, without a trace of external influence. Congratulations to you for that!  For those of us less fortunate, somewhere along the way, while doing those things that we must do, we get massacred!
I realized of late, that probably i'm NOT following my dream! Perhaps, ah-oh! i might be one of the many followers who Thinks he/she is the leader! But, hey! First step on the road to recovery is Acceptance. You must embrace your folly and only then the healing can start.Or at-least so i've been told, and i follow without questioning.
The next step towards realizing your true purpose in life is to "FOLLOW YOUR DREAM!" Excellent! Now all that i have to do, is some more following!
The wise world of the internet, the giver of free advice when you are bored enough to look for it, will give you plenty of reasons why you absolutely Must follow your dream. They tell you inspiring tales about people who left their cozy little lives behind to pursue the true calling. Some even tell you how you should go about following your dream.Whatever advice you need, its there for the taking!
But but but!  how does one know what their dream is!! i like to write, that must be my dream! But i like to paint too! now what! The list of things one enjoys is endless! How does one distinguish among these and determine what their dream is!!! Trivial it may seem, but a lot is at stake here! A jaded soul willing to give up his/her steady income for the pursuit of his/her dream! what if you accidently pick the nightmare instead of the dream! So much pressure!
All this dream talk has made me need a nap. I get it now though. I'll stick the plan. The popularly accepted plan. Follow Suit and save yourself the headache. Sure, someday this will most definitely come back and bite me in the a**.I might be old and grey and living with regret. Or maybe in the years leading up to it, i have a dream that will change the game!Meanwhile,
Follow the Plan! Follow the plan religiously! And pray like mad, that i find my dream.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post...!!!
    "how does one know what their dream is!!" Hmmm..
    If it can be of some help, I'd say, A dream is something that makes you insaaaaaaaanelyyy happy no matter what.. Something's that's worth risking it all, something that brings a proud drop of tear into your eyes when you tell others that you are so and so... That's my version of a dream to follow..
    There might be so many things you love doing but one, and only one thing can make you feel like the above..!! Now, whats that? :-)
    OK.. Enough preaching now..!! :-P
