Friday, 30 December 2011

same shit different year

It's the 30th of December and while a bunch of you anxiously await the eventful night that tomorrow promises, and another lot humbly declares that they are looking forward to the quiet night at home with friends or loved ones, there are probably a couple of you out there who on this "last but one" day of the year, look not forward, but glance backwards at the year that just rushed by. It's not a conscious decision but invariably every year on this day i reflect on the unaccomplished resolutions, the unconquered challenges and  the countless wasted moments and opportunities.
This year ain't too different, except that now my patience is wearing thin!  Usually after realizing how inept i am at honoring my resolutions, i resort to the good old chicken soup for the defeated and depressed soul- the endless ocean of blogs, articles and motivational matter on the net.
Year in and year out my problem remains the same. I suck at keeping my resolutions! Most of them barely see the light of an April day.
Each year i manage to find a different remedy for this same old problem of mine.
There is the 7 fold path to change your life in 7 days!  Easy! Exciting! Brief! Bullshit.
Then there are the countless experiences of so many others from which there is just so much to be learnt. Inspiring. But to be very honest, if i couldn't learn from my own experience in the last however many years of mine, i'm tempted to believe i'm resistant to Experience Therapy!
Last year, "Patience" was the key to flipping my life around, this year its "Passion".
But of course, no matter how different, there is this common string of "Keywords", if i may so call them, that binds all this food for the bored soul together. "Simplify","Principles","Goals","Change". The list goes on.
Pointless analysis, all of the above is. 
But just a thought; if there are oh so many blogs, articles and the like out there that take on this trivial non issue, i'm guessing i'm not the only hopeless one.
So for the many others who find themselves defeated by their resolutions, i TOO have some suggestions to make. Well just one to be honest!
If something is worth doing, you shouldn't have to wait for a new year to get the ball rolling! Just get on it already. No resolutions, no time wasted on the self help that doesn't help, and no frustration! 
So this year my resolution is to Suck it up! Get over the resolution obsession and RESOLVE to make better plans for the 30th of all decembers that are yet to come.